Why does my puppy sleep so much? Because he’s a pup!
Just like a baby who sleeps a lot, your young puppies would also need to have lots of rest because he is growing and developing his body and brain.
He will also need ample rest to allow his body to recuperate after exhaustion from physical workout.
When your puppy sleeps too much, it could be an indicator that he is over exhausted, not feeling well, or he is underfed. Make sure that you have established a regular sleeping routine for him. Puppies need 18-20 hours of sleep daily and if your puppy sleeps more than 20 hours, that is an unusual sign.
How Long Should Your Puppy Sleep?
Although it varies from the type of breed that your puppy belongs to, his age, his size and his activity level, most puppies typically need about 18-20 hours of sleep daily.
Thus, it is not surprising to see my Chihuahua sleeping for 20 hours when he is still a puppy!
This is a cumulative sleeping time (inclusive of day and nighttime resting) for a day.
As your puppy gets older, he will gradually cut down his sleeping time to about 14 hours daily.
BUT if your puppy sleeps more than 20 hours per day, that is when you would need to start worrying about him.
This could be a symptom of some health issue that you would need to pay attention to.
It would be best to bring your pet to see a vet for a health checkup as soon as possible. Don’t wait until he is very ill. That will only make things much worse.
By the way, this is also true with older dogs. If your adult dog sleeps for an abnormally long amount of time, this could be a symptom that something is seriously wrong with him.

Exhausted Puppy Sleep More
When your puppy plays too hard, he gets tired out more easily and that makes him need more sleep.
This is not a good thing for a growing puppy as he might get injured from excessive play.
On the other hand, if he does not play enough, he will be bored and may develop unwanted behavior such as chewing his bed or nipping at things that are not meant for his mouth.
This can lead to problems with his adult teeth and an unpleasant temperament later in life when he is a full grown dog.
So it is important to get a balance between too much and too little exercise for your puppy.
You see, most puppies need about an hour of “serious” exercise each day just to keep them in peak physical condition. Of course, this hour should be broken up into several shorter periods.
Your puppy needs to be out in the yard for some fresh air, run around, play fetch, chase balls and explore his surroundings.
He also needs a little “extra” mental stimulation to keep him mentally active as well.
You can hide a toy and then let your puppy find it. This will keep his mind sharp and also give him a chance to work on his hunting skills.
Another fun way to stimulate your puppy’s mind is by teaching him some new tricks or to conduct some obedience training on him.
Train him on how to obey simple instructions like “sit”,“come”, “stay” and “heel”. These commands will come in handy when you take him out in public.
You can also train him to “leave it” or “drop it” when you are training him to fetch a stick or a ball.
This will give you an opportunity to bond with your puppy by teaching him your expectations.
He Is Feeling Unwell
If you find your puppy sleeping longer than usual and still feeling lethargic when he wakes up, this could be a sign that he is sick.
Pay attention to his eating and drinking habits. If you notice any changes in his eating habits, such as loss of interest in his food or drinking more water than usual, having loose stool or vomiting, these could be signs of sickness.
Also, keep an eye on your puppy for any unusual signs of pain or discomfort.
Is he limping when he walks? Has he been scratching or licking himself excessively? Does he seem to be in any kind of distress when you are holding or petting him?
These are all possible signs of illness, and they need to be brought to your vet’s attention immediately.
The best way to ensure the health and well-being of your canine companion is by paying close attention to his daily habits.
Your Puppy Is Underfed
When your puppy is not getting adequate food to keep him full, he will try to conserve his energy by having less activity, which means less movement and more sleeping.
Therefore, it is very important for you to give him the proper amount of food and nutrition he needs to be a healthy, energetic and happy puppy.
How Much Should You Feed Your Puppy?
There are many factors to consider when feeding your puppy with the right amount of food and nutrition.
These include:
1. What is his breed? Hunting breeds tend to be more active and need more food.
2. What is his age?
3. What is his weight? Is he underweight? You might need to increase his food intake if he is underweight by feeding him more often.
4. What else is he being fed? If you have the habit of giving him treats, make sure that you are giving him some nutritional treats.
It is difficult to give the exact amount of food and nutrition your puppy needs because each puppy has a different metabolism.
However, as a general guideline, you should feed your puppy at least twice a day and more often if he is very active or if he is underweight.
You see, puppies need a lot of calories in their early lives, and they burn them off at an amazing rate. Therefore, it is important to make sure you are providing him with enough high-quality calories.
Also, be aware that puppies need protein, fat, vitamins and minerals since they are in the growing phase.
In fact, they need much more nutrients than adults do.
What To Lookout For In Your Puppy Diet?
When choosing a puppy food, look for one that is made by mixing raw meat with vegetables or fruits. This will give your puppy all the protein he needs.
Make sure the food is made from quality ingredients and not just some cheap filler. You should also check the label for carbohydrate content.
Puppies need a lot of energy and, if they are not getting enough from their diet, they will begin to get sick.
So, make sure the food you choose has at least 20% carbs.
This is especially true of young puppies who are still growing and developing. Therefore, it is important to feed your puppy a nutritionally complete diet.

Establish A Regular Sleeping Routine
When you do not have a regular sleeping routine for your puppy, it is inevitable that he will sleep at his own pleasure and that would mean he might sleep more than he should.
You have to ensure that he sleeps when he should and not to his own preference. To be able to achieve this, you have to ensure that his sleeping schedule is consistent and predictable.
Excessive sleeping is not good for your puppy as it can lead to obesity, which can be fatal for your pet. Therefore, you should make sure that your puppy gets plenty of exercise and playtime during the day.
Make him know when it’s time to sleep or play by having a routine for him to follow through.
When you have established a regular sleeping routine for your puppy, he will learn to associate his bed with your schedule and this will help him adjust to a regular sleeping pattern.
It is important for you to be aware of how much sleep your dog needs in order to ensure that he gets enough rest to regenerate his body.