Do Puppies Throw Up When Teething

In short, the answer is “Yes”. It is common for puppies to throw up when they are teething because of the pain associated with their teeth coming through their gums.

This type of vomiting is normal and expected during the teething period, which can last between 4 and 6 months for their adult teeth to fully emerge.

However, if your puppy keeps vomiting repeatedly or is showing signs of severe discomfort, then it may be a cause for concern.

You should seek veterinary advice immediately as this could be a symptom of a serious health problem.

When your puppy is going through his teething stage, he may have ingested something toxic or indigestible and that makes him throw up. Pain from teething makes him lose his appetite and causes his stomach acid to flow back to his esophagus, causing him to vomit. He swallows his food without chewing it and this causes indigestion.

He Chews On Something Indigestible Or Toxic

You see, during the teething period, your puppy will feel great discomfort in his mouth and he will try to relieve this pain by gnawing on anything that he can get his mouth on.

This can be anything he can find in your home, such as your wooden furniture, clothes, shoes or even your bags.

If he eats something that is toxic or indigestible, it can cause him serious health issues.

This is why it is so important to provide a safe and comfortable environment for your puppy during his teething process.

The only way you can stop this is to prevent him from accessing them in the first place.

And the best way of doing this is by installing a baby gate. This will restrict his movement to only a safe zone that you have chosen.

This will mean that there are no harmful objects in that “zone” that are of risk to him.

To ease his teething discomfort, get him some chewing toys or sticks and rawhide bones that he can safely get his mouth on.

You can also go for frozen foods such as cold carrots, frozen strawberries or bananas as an alternative.

Pain In His Mouth Makes Him Lose His Appetite Which Cause Acid Reflux

If your dog hasn’t been eating for quite a while due to the discomfort of his teething, acid will start to build up in his stomach since it can’t be used up for any digestion. (there isn’t any food in his stomach!).

The acid will start to flow back into his esophagus and cause a burning sensation and discomfort in his throat, and make him throw up.

This condition is often known as Acid Reflux.

Here are some ways that you can help your puppy to overcome this discomfort.

1. Keep your puppy on food that’s easy to digest. Avoid those dry hard kibbles and go for softer food such as steamed potato, boiled chicken, eggs, or cottage cheese.

2. Make sure that he is well hydrated, and give him water before feeding him.

He Swallows His Food Without Chewing It (Indigestion)

It is common for a puppy to swallow his food and not chew it during the teething period.

And when he does this, that might cause an obstruction in the esophagus, which could lead to discomfort.

This is going to be more prevalent if you are giving him a big chunk of meat for his meals.

He is probably going to vomit or regurgitate the food out of his stomach.

What you can do is to make a change to his diet plan and include some soft and wet foods such as boiled sweet potato, cooked carrot, boiled broccoli or cooked lean chicken in his meal.

Add some chicken stock to his food (to make it soggier) and cut the chicken into small pieces before feeding him.

This will certainly help with his food digestion and prevent any throwing up.

But if you have noticed any signs of persistent vomiting, bring your pet to see a vet immediately, as this might be a sign of an infection in his esophagus, stomach or intestinal tract.

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What Are The Symptoms Of A Puppy Teething?

When your puppy is going through the teething stage, the symptoms can be quite noticeable.

The most common signs include redness and irritation of the gums, swelling and bleeding of gums and excessive drooling.

It can also be accompanied by restlessness (persistent whining), biting his bed when he is asleep, excessive licking, slow eating and biting his bum and tail.

Teething usually occurs when your puppy is around 3 weeks old and the process of teeth coming through the gums is called eruption.

When this process occurs, your puppy will become more restless than usual and start chewing at everything in sight, including your furniture, clothes and even your legs, arms and hands.

That is why it is important to keep an eye on your puppy during this period, as he may be trying to self-soothe with his chewing and ingest some toxic or harmful things.

How to alleviate teething discomfort and reduce vomiting

During the teething process, puppies may experience discomfort and pain in their gums, which can lead to excessive drooling and chewing behaviors. 

This can sometimes trigger vomiting due to the increased saliva production and the pressure from erupting teeth. 

As a puppy owner, there are several strategies you can employ to help alleviate your puppy’s teething discomfort and reduce the likelihood of vomiting:

Provide appropriate chew toys

Offering your puppy suitable chewing toys can help alleviate their teething pain and redirect their chewing behavior away from inappropriate items. 

Look for toys specifically designed for teething puppies, such as rubber or silicone toys that are soft and gentle on their gums. 

Avoid giving them toys that are too hard or small, as they can pose a choking hazard.

Use cold or frozen items

Cold temperatures can help numb your puppy’s gums and provide relief from teething pain. 

You can try giving them frozen washcloths, frozen fruits (such as sliced bananas or carrots), or specially designed teething rings that can be chilled in the refrigerator. 

Always supervise your puppy when they are chewing on frozen items to prevent any accidents.

Gentle gum massage

Using your clean fingers, gently massage your puppy’s gums in a circular motion. This can help alleviate their discomfort and provide temporary relief. 

You can also try using a soft, damp cloth to massage their gums.

Provide a balanced diet

Ensure that your puppy is on a nutritionally balanced diet that supports their overall health and development. 

Opt for high-quality puppy food that meets their specific nutritional requirements. Avoid feeding them excessive treats or human food, as this can upset their stomach and exacerbate vomiting.

Wet or softened food

If your puppy is experiencing severe teething discomfort and vomiting, you can try temporarily switching to wet or softened food. 

This can make it easier for them to eat and digest their meals without putting additional strain on their gums. Consult with your veterinarian for specific recommendations regarding diet changes.

Offer plenty of water

It is essential to keep your puppy well-hydrated, especially during the teething phase. 

Increased saliva production and vomiting can lead to dehydration if not compensated for by providing sufficient water. 

Ensure that fresh and clean water is readily available for your puppy at all times.

Distraction and playtime

Engaging your puppy in interactive play sessions and providing mental stimulation can help divert their attention away from teething discomfort. 

It can also tire them out, promoting better sleep and reducing restlessness that may contribute to vomiting episodes.

If your puppy’s vomiting persists or worsens despite your efforts to alleviate their teething discomfort, it is advisable to consult with your veterinarian for further guidance and potential medical intervention.

By implementing these strategies, you can help ease your puppy’s teething discomfort and minimize the occurrence of vomiting, ensuring a smoother transition through this natural developmental stage.

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Other Behaviors Puppies May Exhibit During Teething

The teething phase is not only characterized by discomfort and vomiting but also by various other behaviors and challenges that puppy owners may encounter. 

Here are some additional considerations to keep in mind during this time:

Increased chewing behavior

Teething puppies have a natural instinct to chew, as it helps relieve their teething discomfort. 

However, this can lead to destructive chewing if they do not have appropriate outlets for their chewing needs. 

Ensure that your puppy has access to a variety of safe and chewable toys to redirect their chewing behavior away from furniture, shoes, or other valuable items.

Behavioral changes

It is not uncommon for puppies to exhibit changes in behavior during the teething phase. They may become more irritable, restless, or show a decrease in appetite. 

Understand that these changes are temporary and are a result of the discomfort they are experiencing. 

Be patient with your puppy and provide them with extra love, attention, and reassurance during this challenging time.

Socialization and training 

Teething can sometimes make puppies more sensitive and less tolerant of certain stimuli. 

Despite this, it is essential to continue socializing and training your puppy during this time. 

Expose them to various environments, people, and dogs in a positive and controlled manner. This will help them develop into well-adjusted adult dogs.

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement training techniques can be highly effective during the teething phase. 

Reward your puppy with treats, praise, or playtime when they exhibit desired behaviors, such as chewing on appropriate toys or remaining calm during discomfort. 

This helps reinforce good habits and encourages them to continue engaging in appropriate behavior.

Remember, as a puppy owner, you play a crucial role in helping your furry friend navigate through the challenges of teething. 

By being proactive, patient, and understanding, you can ensure that your puppy’s teething phase is as comfortable and smooth as possible.