Why Are Chihuahuas So Hard to House Train

Dog owners have reacted that, despite Chihuahuas being small and cute, they can be incredibly stubborn and difficult to house-train.

Does this claim hold true? Let’s find out in this post.

Chihuahuas are notoriously difficult to house train because of their independent personalities. They are energetic dogs, and it is difficult for them to focus on training. With small bladders, they need to pee a lot, and this makes house training them a challenge. Their negative training experiences made them resent it.

Chihuahuas Are Known for Their Stubborn Personalities

Chihuahuas are notorious for being hard to house train, and they don’t respond well to discipline.

They are stubborn and independent and prefer to do things their way rather than following rules. 

They like to be in control and don’t like being dictated to. This is because they believe that they know what’s best for themselves. Removing their freedom will lead to rebellion.

You must be firm and consistent in your house training. Your Chihuahua needs to realize that you are in charge (his Alpha) and he needs to follow your rules. This is the only way to get him to learn.

There is no doubt that dogs are smart animals and your Chihuahua is intelligent enough to figure out what you want from him.  It’s just his stubborn personality that deter him from following your rules.

It is up to you to make sure that he does what you want him to do.

If you don’t insist on it, he will become disobedient and rebellious, and start acting on instinct instead of following your rules.

Though Chihuahuas are very intelligent dogs, you have to devote time to teaching them what you expect.

You should never use physical force to correct his bad behavior, as that could make him fear you. (Do you think your dog will forgive you if you do that?)

An Overly Energetic Breed That’s Full of Pent-Up Energy

If your child is too energetic, did you find it challenging to get him to learn things?  That goes for your Chihuahua too. 

As Chihuahuas are very active dogs, it will be nearly impossible to get your dog to sit still for long enough to do a house training session.

You will need to provide him an outlet to release some of his pent-up energy prior to your house training. This will help them feel content and relaxed, which will make them less likely to misbehave.

Of course, you will not want to exhaust him too much. The goal is to keep his energy levels in check so that he will obediently follow your house training commandments.

Start him on some less strenuous games, such as playing Round Robin (Dogs are called back and forth between two or more people with rewarding treats), swimming and puzzle toys prior to the training.

These games will help him keep his energy under control and settle down for training.  It’ll keep your dog from being overly enthusiastic. 

So make sure that you include these exercises in his daily routine and be careful not to overtrain him. Keep the training to less than 15 minutes per session.

Too long training sessions can cause your dog to become distracted and tired, and make him hate the training.

Be sure to make the training an enjoyable and rewarding experience for him. This will make it easier for him to learn what you are teaching him.

Reward him for any good behavior that he performs while training. This will help him understand that he should always try his best in order to earn the reward.

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They Can’t Hold Their Potty for Too Long Because of a Small Bladder

Tiny dog breeds, like Chihuahuas, have enormous appetites and minuscule digestive systems. 

Because of their small bladder, bowels and intestines, Chihuahuas are not able to hold on to their pee for long.

And this “limitation” makes house training a Chihuahua hard.

Chihuahuas will have a very high need for potty breaks (due to their small bladder) which means they must be trained to do more frequent potty trips.

Thus, during the first few months of potty training, you will need to closely monitor your pup.

Be on the lookout for signs that he is about to do his business, such as circling, whining, or barking. If you notice your dog has an urge to go, take him outside right away to prevent an accident.

Always make sure to thoroughly clean up the accident area as the odor can attract your pet to do his potty again in that same spot! 

You can make use of some commercial products such as Rocco & Roxie Stain and Odor Eliminator to remove the odor or use a DIY solution (Mix white vinegar and water in a one-to-one ratio) to get the job done. 

You Have Made Him Associate Training with Bad Experience

There is no doubt that dogs are reactive to punishment, whether it be verbal (raising your voice, yelling at him), or even just a sigh of frustration when you need to clean up another mess that he has made.

Chihuahuas are particularly receptive to any anger or frustration you are exhibiting about potty training.

In fact, if you scream too loudly (due to excitement because he had finally learned his potty correctly), when he had begun to poop outside, this could become a source of fear for him.

The moment he becomes apprehensive about going potty, he will hold his pee when you are with him and will only eliminate it when you are away. That is when the accident happens!

So it is important to suppress your excitement or anger during the house training. 

By providing positive reinforcement, your Chihuahua will learn and repeat the desired behavior.

The way to do this will be to reward him when he eliminates correctly by rewarding him with treats. Make him associate his action with a rewarding experience.

This will make him want to do this behavior repeatedly in order to get his reward.

Of course, you can also make use of a clicker to help you with potty training. The clicker is a small electronic device which emits a sound when you click it. 

You must first teach your dog what the clicker means before you can use it. You should pair the marker with a reward. After clicking, give your dog a treat right away. He will learn to associate a marker with a reward after about 10 to 20 repetitions.

When you click the clicker, it emits a sound and makes your dog learn to associate the sound with an action that he has performed (potty in the designated spot) and you should reward him immediately with a treat.

This will teach your dog to associate the sound of the clicker with eliminating in the designated area that you want him to perform.

Clicker training is one of the most popular forms of dog training. Not only is it easy to use, but it also works!  

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Your Chihuahua Has Health Issues Making House Training Difficult

If you find that your Chihuahua has an accident despite your effort to have him house-trained, then there could be another reason for it.

He could be suffering from some health issue, such as bladder or kidney disease and a urinary tract infection (UTI), which can result in more frequent accidents.  

As a result of not being able to completely empty his bladder, he has a strong urge to urinate persistently and causes more accidents.  

If your dog suffers from either of these health conditions, it is vital that you take him to the vet right away.

Upon diagnosing the problem, your vet will be able to assist your pet in regaining his health.

He could also be suffering from dementia, which is a mental disorder that causes loss of memory and other intellectual skills.

Dementia can cause confusion, disorientation, and behavioral changes and often happens to senior dogs that are more than 10 years old.

It is a progressive condition that usually develops over a long period of time and worsens over time.

Dementia can cause incontinence when your dog brain’s messages do not sync properly with his bladder or bowel. He may not be aware if his bladder or bowels are full and have no control over them.

Despite the fact that dementia has no cure, there are things that can be done to help prevent accidents, such as getting your dog to wear dog diapers and to see a vet for medication to stabilize the condition.

Dogs with No Socialization Experience Have a Difficult Time Adjusting to Life in a House

An unsocialized dog may become tense and wary of anything unfamiliar. This can lead to negative behavioral issues, such as hostility or anxiety, which complicates house training.

For puppies to grow into healthy adults, they need to be socialized appropriately in their puppyhood.

Early exposure to different environments, people and pets will help them to overcome fear-based behavior problems in the future.

The following tips will help you socialize your pet:

Walk your dog frequently. Taking your dog on a daily walk is a great way to introduce him to new sights, sounds, smells, and people.

Invite your friends over. Organize a gathering for one or two friends in your living room or backyard, where your dog will feel most at ease.

Introduce him to a dog park gradually. Let your dog watch the other dogs from a distance as you walk him around the perimeter of the park. Gradually, allow your dog to sniff the fence and interact with other dogs.

Maintain a positive attitude. Your dog can sense your emotions, so if you are anxious or stressed about something, he will feel the same way. You should remain calm and confident through your body language and tone.

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