Though you know that plain water will be the best drink for your dog, you are wondering if there are any other beverages that are suitable for your dog as well?
Learn what your dog can really drink from this post.
Besides plain water, your dog can take 200ml of fresh fruit juice or smoothie per day, but care has to be taken to avoid fruits which your dog is allergic to. The juices or smoothies will have to be freshly made and free from any preservatives. Bone broth, which is nutritious and supplements the fluid your dog needs, is another viable option.
Is It Okay for Dogs to Drink Fruit Smoothies?
Just if you can be allergic to certain fruits such as peach, kiwi, apples, pears etc., your dog could also have an allergy or sensitivity to some types of fruit.
So you need to know if there are any fruits that your dog has previously shown signs of being allergic to and avoid adding them when preparing the fruit smoothies for him.
It is important to keep in mind not to add any sugar to his smoothies!
In general, FRESH fruit smoothies are a good alternative source of fluid for your dog, but they should only be given in small quantities.
The cooling and delicious taste of the smoothies will certainly make your dog enjoy his drink.
This will be another way to keep your dog hydrated if you find him resisting drinking plain water because of the neutral taste.
Just keep in mind that you can ONLY feed him 200ml of smoothies per day. Avoid overfeeding him as that could cause him to have stomach discomfort.
Can Dogs Eat Bone Broth?
Bone broth is known to supplement the nutrition and fluid your body needs.
This brings us to the topic if your dog can have bone broth as well?
In short, “Yes”, your dog can certainly eat bone broth at a moderate level daily.
Bone broth is not only nutritious, but it has been shown to boost your dog’s immune system, help with his digestion and ensure good gut health.
It is a great source of collagen, which is essential for building strong bones and joints.
Of course, the broth should act as a supplement to your dog’s diet and by no means to replace the main dish.
The sole purpose was to keep him hydrated.
There are two types of bone broth: a concentrated kind that you freeze and then defrost to make use of, and a diluted kind that you cook with water.
Regardless of which type of broth you choose for your dog, they MUST be prepared using raw bones, preferably a mixture of marrow and knuckle bones without any other additives or preservatives.
So keep a close watch on the label of these broths when you are purchasing them from the store and ensure that they are free from any preservatives.
How much bone broth should I give my dog?
The recommended serving of bone broth for your dog is 1 ounce of broth per 10 pounds of his body weight.
You can give your dog up to two servings a day.
For me, I often give my dogs one serving of bone broth with breakfast and one for dinner. I also give him an additional cup of bone broth when he is having diarrhea.
Is Milk Good for Dogs to Drink?
Yes, it is possible to give your dog milk to drink in moderation.
However, there are a number of factors that should be considered before offering milk to your pet.
His Age:
Usually, puppies will be fine drinking milk as their body possesses a surplus of lactose enzymes to break down the milk content.
But as they grow up, their body will produce less of such enzymes, which explains why adult dogs, to some extent, are lactose intolerant.
That is why, when your adult dog is given too much milk to drink, he may have diarrhea, abdominal pain as well as bloating as his body is unable to provide sufficient enzymes to break down the undigested sugar molecules in the milk.
This causes the molecule to drown out the water from the cell walls, leading to inflammation (abdominal pain) and other digestive issues such as diarrhea.
So, if you notice that your dog is vomiting or having diarrhea after consuming milk products, it may be a sign that your dog is lactose intolerant.
His Overall health condition:
Is he obese, suffering from pancreatitis, allergic to dairy products, or diabetic? These conditions can influence how milk can have an impact on his health.
For example, if he is overweight, consuming milk which contains a high fat content can further lead to his weight gain, and cause diabetes or heart problems.
Milk may also have an adverse effect if he is lactose intolerant.
When his gut is not able to properly digest the sugar molecules in the milk, it will lead to health problems such as bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, increased thirst, dehydration and fatigue.
You should always check with your vet about the type of milk and the recommended amount if you are planning on giving your dog milk.
There are a number of types of milk, and they all have different nutritional value. So, what type of milk is best suited for dogs?
Many dog owners think that drinking cow’s milk is the best option for their pet.
But the truth is, all types of milk such as cow, goat, rice, cashew, oat, coconut, soy or almond are nutritious for your dog as long as:
1. They are unsweetened, natural and organic.
2. Drink in moderation. 3-4 teaspoons of milk once a week as a form of treat would be great for your dog. Avoid giving him a bowl of milk in one sitting as that would cause him to have diarrhea.
3. They do not trigger any allergic reaction to your dog. Say if your dog is allergic to soy or cashew, you should avoid giving him milk made from these ingredients.
Is Ice Pops Safe for Dogs?
In short, they are safe for your dog as long as they are made from natural ingredients without any sweeteners, additives, or preservatives.
If they are labeled as “sugar-free”, I would suggest avoiding them to be on the safe side.
In fact, I would recommend that you prepare your own ice pops and keep them in the fridge.
You can be sure of the quality and safety of the ice pops as you are aware of the fruits that your dog is allergic to.
You should stay away from using citrus fruits such as limes, lemons and grapefruit in making your ice pops, as they are known to cause dogs to have an upset stomach.
How do you make a frozen pop?
Here is how you can make these ice pops. (You can choose whatever fruit that your dog is not allergic to).
Example Of Ingredients:
2 medium-sized apples, 1 medium-sized banana, a few handfuls of raspberries and blueberries and a cup of plain, greek-style yogurt.
1. First, peel your apples and bananas, and cut them into small pieces.
2. Put all the ingredients in a blender (including the yogurt) and blend them until everything is well mixed.
3. Transfer the mixture to an ice-cream maker and churn it for 20 minutes.
4. After 20 minutes, take the mixture out and transfer it into your ice pop molds.
5. Fill the molds with the mixture and cover the ice pop molds with plastic wrap and put them in the freezer for about 2 hours.
6. Once they are frozen solid, take them out of the freezer and insert the sticks.
7. They are now ready to be served to your dog.
Avoid Caffeine, Alcoholic or Carbonated Drinks
Never offer any drinks that come with caffeine, alcoholic or carbonated content to your dog.
Caffeine drinks such as tea and coffee can cause your dog to suffer from heart arrhythmia and high blood pressure.
Alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine will cause your dog to have liver and kidney related failure as his body is not able to metabolize the alcohol passing through it.
Carbonated drinks such as soda can cause your dog to suffer from gastrointestinal problems.
In general, fresh fruit juice or smoothies is a good alternative source of fluid for your dog, but they should only be given in controlled amounts.
If your dog is allergic to certain fruits, avoid adding them when preparing the smoothies for him.
This will prevent him from suffering from any skin allergies that make him lick his paws or coat persistently.
Bone broth is not only nutritious as an alternative to keep your dog hydrated, and it has been shown to boost your dog’s immune system.
It’s also a great source of collagen, which is essential for building his bones and joints.