If you are wondering why your dog throws up after he drinks water, you will find this post valuable as I will be sharing with you some valuable information on this very common problem.
There are several reasons as to why your dog is reacting in this manner and knowing why he is throwing up will enable you to make the proper treatment choices for him.
It could be due to harmful bacteria in the water, drinking too much water (water intoxication), health issues such as kidney failure, worms in his stomach, suffering from hypothyroidism or undigested food making him regurgitate. He could also be vomiting gastric juice (NOT water) as the result of indigestion.
There Is Harmful Bacteria In The Water
Dogs have the same physiology as people, so they also get sick to a certain extent when they drink water that contains high levels of dissolved minerals.
This is why it is important to only give your dog water that has been specifically tested for quality and safety.
He is very sensitive to mineral levels in his water, so even a small amount of toxic minerals can make him sick.
It doesn’t matter if the water is from a bottle, spring or tap. Just make sure it’s not loaded with chlorine, and you’ll be fine.
He Drinks Too Much Water (Water Intoxication)
Your dog will also throw up (vomit) a little when they drink too much water. So, that does NOT mean he is sick.
Here’s why: When your dog drinks too much water, his body tries to flush it out by making him throw up. This is a normal response, and it does not mean he is feeling unwell.
How Much Water Does Your Dog Need?
Water is the elixir of elixirs. It flushes toxins out of your dog’s system and provides him with the “fuel” that he needs to run around, play hard and live a healthy life.
However, too much water can be just as bad for your dog as too little. If you give your dog too much water, it will dilute the electrolytes in his body which can lead to health problems.
Too much water can also lead to bloat which could also make him throw up the water from his body.
Just like people, each individual dog has a certain amount of water he needs to function at his best throughout the day. This amount is different for every dog and depends on many factors.
However, there is one factor that is almost always a good indicator of how much water your dog needs: His Body Weight!
The heavier your dog, the more water he needs. In fact, a 10-pound (4.5 kg) dog needs about 0.3 liters of water every day while a 100-pound (45 kg) dog needs about 3 liters.
Of course, this is an average and doesn’t take into account other factors such as his age, activity level, size and so on.
But it’s a good place to start from when you’re wondering how much water your dog needs.
So make sure that your dog has access to fresh, clean water at all times and in a “CONTROLLED” manner.
As a general rule, one ounce of fluid per pound of your dog body weight will be sufficient daily.
You can make the water available for him by placing it in a large bowl that your dog can access.
Or, you can purchase one of those automatic watering bowls that will fill with water and automatically release it over time. Just make sure that the water is fresh and clean.
If your dog is involved in lots of physical games, he can easily get thirsty and dehydrated. This is especially true if he is running around outside and losing water through his sweat.
So plan for an additional 10% of water intake for your dog if he does engage in games that make him sweat out to prevent dehydration issues.
You should not simply give your dog unlimited access to water.
It is important for you to know about the symptoms and what you can do to help your dog recover from dehydration by ensuring that he just have the “right” amount of clean fresh water daily.

Health issues Cause Your Dog To Vomit
There are some health conditions that can lead to your dog vomiting issue and breathing fast.
Kidney Failure
Kidney failure is the most common cause of vomiting in dogs. The kidneys are essential organs in the body for filtering the waste from the blood.
When they do not work properly, this waste accumulates in the bloodstream and causes nausea, vomiting and even diarrhea. This condition is very serious and needs immediate veterinary attention.
Worms In His Stomach
If your dog has been throwing up for a long time, and you’re not sure if it’s just because he is drinking a lot of water or if there’s something else going on, then you should definitely take your dog to the vet.
It could be that your dog has worms in his stomach.
This is especially so if he is drinking a lot of water and is losing weight. He could have something like an obstruction in his intestines, bladder stone or bladder cancer.
Hypothyroidism Makes Your Dog Vomits Water?
Hypothyroidism causes your dog to retain water and as a result, he may become bloated, and his body is trying to flush out the excess water that it has built up through vomiting.
Why does hypothyroidism cause excess water retention in a dog’s body?
This is due to the thyroid gland that controls the metabolic rate of your dog’s body. In case of hypothyroidism, your dog’s metabolism becomes slow which means that he will retain more water in his body.
Can you tell if your dog is hypothyroid just by looking at him?
Just like humans, dogs have different symptoms of hypothyroidism. Some dogs show no symptoms until the condition gets really serious.
Having said that, there are certainly some common symptoms that you can look out for:
Dry Skin And Coat: Due to the fact that hypothyroidism causes a dog’s skin and coat to become dry, it is one of the easiest symptoms of hypothyroidism to recognize.
If your dog’s coat and skin appear dry and scaly, chances are he may be suffering from hypothyroidism. Of course, taking your dog to a veterinarian for verification is recommended.
Weight Gain: Another symptom of hypothyroidism is weight gain in your dog. Normally, a healthy dog will maintain his weight naturally.
However, in case of hypothyroidism, the dog’s metabolism becomes slow which means that he starts retaining more water in his body and that could put him on weight.
Vomiting Water: As discussed earlier, when your dog retains too much water in his body, he tends to try vomiting it out. Therefore, if your dog frequently vomits water, it is an indication that he has too much water in his body.
Of course, it is not possible to know for sure unless you take him to a veterinarian who has experience in treating thyroid problems in dogs.
Undigested Food Causes Him To Regurgitate
Food In Your Dog’s Stomach Causes Him To Regurgitate After Drinking Water.
This is actually a very common problem. In fact, if your dog is given water to drink, and he regurgitates soon after, it is probably because there is still some food in his stomach.
Your dog might not be able to fully digest his previously eaten food as they contained fatty or greasy contents.
There is a chance that these undigested residues are affecting the lower part of his esophagus. This can cause your dog discomfort, leading to vomiting or regurgitation.
Your Dog Is Vomiting Gastric Juice
Keep a close watch out on what your dog is throwing up after drinking water. The white fluid could be his gastric juice and NOT water.
Gastric juice is a clear, alkaline liquid produced by the stomach. It contains hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and various digestive enzymes. These compounds are necessary for breaking down and digesting food.
Why is he vomiting gastric juice?
Your dog may be vomiting gastric juice for a number of reasons.
1. He may be experiencing an upset stomach (indigestion) from eating something he should NOT have.
2. He may be experiencing gas from eating too much fiber or too many carbohydrates.
Whatever the reason, if your dog is vomiting gastric juice often, there are some things you can do to help him get healthy again… and fast!
First, make sure he is getting enough exercise. If he is overweight, this will aggravate any existing health problems your dog may have.
Also, make sure he gets proper nutrition. Give him high-quality protein, lots of vegetables and fruits, and very little carbohydrates.
Cut out all candy, chocolate, sugar, bread, pasta, rice, and anything else with sugar in it. You should also cut back on his fat intake.
Go easy on fatty meats like beef, pork and lamb. Instead, feed him more lean meats like turkey, chicken and fish.

Conversely, if you find your dog refuses to drink water after his surgery, you may be interested in this POST!