When your dog has a strong, metallic-like odor or breath, it could be a sign that there is a problem with his health. But, what are the health problems that could cause the metallic smell?
Let’s find out in this post.
Pica Causes Dogs to Eat Metal-Like Objects
Pica is an eating disorder in dogs that occurs when the animal eats non-edible items. This can be anything from chewing on paper, leather, rocks, gravel, wood, plastic or even metal pipes.
As a result of this disorder, their breath smells of whatever they ate.
If your dog’s breath smells like metal, it’s likely due to something (usually rusty or metal objects) that he had got his mouth on.
Perhaps he had licked on a piece of rusty metal or pole that he had found in the backyard and that leaves a metallic scent in his mouth.
Other times, even if your dog seems to have no metal objects around him, it is possible that he has chewed on a piece of wire, and it leaves traces of metallic smell on his mouth.
Pica is common in puppies, but can also happen to adult dogs.
This disorder can be triggered by a number of factors such as a poor diet, diabetes, iron deficiency, liver, pancreatic or neurological diseases, medications or behavioral disorders.
Many dogs who had pica are actually suffering from compulsive behaviors. These are often seen in older or ill dogs. They can also be seen in dogs with allergies, digestive issues, and dental problems.
A dog’s diet is certainly one of the main triggers for the development of pica. There is a connection between a dog’s desire for certain items being caused by a nutritional deficiency.
In any case, if you find your dog’s breath smells bad for days, you should bring him to see a vet.

Metal Breath Is a Sign of Periodontal Disease
Bad breath is a common problem for dogs. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including bacterial overgrowth and oral infections.
In most cases, bad breath in dogs is caused by a bacterial infection of the gums, known as periodontal disease or gingivitis.
This is a bacterial infection of the gums, teeth, and bone around the teeth. The result is unpleasant breath and can even lead to bleeding gums.
Periodontal disease is caused by plaque, a thin film of bacteria and food particles that collect on the teeth.
It affects the gum line around the teeth, and eventually leads to gum recession and the loss of gum tissue that supports the tooth.
When the gum recedes, it exposes the roots of the teeth and bacteria will attack the root canal. This can cause painful abscesses in the gum and lead to bleeding. The bleeding gums will cause a metallic odor in your dog’s breath.
You should seek veterinary advice if your dog shows any signs of excessive drooling, bleeding, or gum infections.
Bleeding Internally Can Result in Metallic Breath
Internal bleeding in your dog could make him have a strong metallic breath smell. It is a condition in which blood is coming out of a dog’s organs or vessels.
It usually happens when an injury causes bleeding inside the dog’s body. It may also happen due to stomach ulcers, gastritis, and peritonitis. Your dog could also have blood in his stool, which would look like brown clay.
You should take your pet to the veterinarian for a full exam if you notice any unusual changes in your pet’s breath.
Internal bleeding in dogs can be life-threatening. A severe case of bleeding can lead to shock, collapse, or even death.
Having Kidney Failure Makes a Dog’s Breath Smell Metallic
Kidneys help to remove waste products and toxins from the blood, which is important for a healthy dog.
As the kidneys fail, waste products and toxins build up in the body, causing a metallic or ammonia like smell on a dog’s breath.
Ingestion of toxins is the most common cause of acute kidney problems in dogs. Often, the culprit is a chemical, such as antifreeze or household cleaners. A urinary obstruction in your pet can also cause this health issue.
In many cases, kidney failure can only be detected through an examination by a veterinarian.
Some of the symptoms that may be associated with kidney failure include :
- Loss of weight.
- Feeling nauseated and vomiting.
- A pale gum color.
- Having trouble staying balanced.
- A metal smell on the breath.
- There’s a big appetite loss.
If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, it is important to consult your vet.
A veterinarian will perform a physical examination on your dog to determine if there are any underlying causes for their kidney problems.
Your vet may also take a urine sample from your dog to determine if they have protein in their urine.
In some cases, your vet may perform blood tests to check levels of blood proteins or other markers of kidney failure.
Kidney failure can be life-threatening if it is not treated promptly.

Inflammation of the Anal Glands Causes Metallic Breath
When you pet your dog, you may notice that his fur seems to have an unpleasant odor. He may even have a foul discharge coming out of his anus. This is a common problem with dogs, and can be caused by impacted anal glands.
Each dog has a pair of anal glands located just beneath the anus. They produce fluid that has a strong odor (pungent, fishy odor) that is distinctive to each dog.
This fluid is believed to be released by dogs to mark their territory. Stress or fear can also cause dogs to release their anal sacks involuntarily.
When a dog’s anal glands become impacted, it can cause him to smell “fishy”. This is caused by a blockage in the gland’s ducts.
The ducts of the gland are lined with mucus, and when they become blocked, the gland becomes infected. This infection can cause your dog to smell.
Impacted anal glands are more common in smaller breeds. Chihuahuas, Beagles and Miniature Poodles are known to have this problem.
An impacted anal gland is the most common condition that causes a dog to smell like fishy metallic odor, so it’s important that you know what to look for.
Other warning signs of impacted anal glands are :
- A scoot along the ground.
- Licking his bum and tail excessively
- An unwillingness to sit down.
- Chewing on the tail’s base.
- Stools with blood.
- There is swelling under the skin around the rectum of the dog.
- A bloodstain on the ground where the dog lays.
You should take your dog to the vet if he exhibits one or more of the above symptoms.
A Dog’s Breath Can Smell Unpleasant Due to Diabetes
The smell of chemicals or acetone in your dog’s breath may indicate diabetes.
Diabetes in dogs is caused by a lack of insulin. In the absence of insulin, dogs have a difficult time breaking down the sugars they consume. Their body then begins converting fat into sugar in order to get the necessary energy.
As a result, the dog’s body goes into ketosis, producing ketones as a byproduct. They smell like chemicals because these ketones smell like acetone.
There is no doubt that diabetes is a serious disorder, and it can even lead to blindness. Therefore, it should be treated as soon as possible and with due care.
It is essential to recognize the signs of diabetes in your dog in order to make sure that it is treated appropriately.
Common symptoms of diabetic include excessive thirst, frequent urination, weight loss, weakness, and a general loss of energy.
As the disease progresses, the dog’s breath will start to smell like acetone.
It is best to take your dog to the vet immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. The vet will be able to determine if your dog has diabetes and to give him the proper treatment.
Dogs can be born with diabetes (usually due to a genetic predisposition), but it is also a condition that can develop in older dogs. Other factors include diet, stress and obesity.