Providing your dog with food is vital for his survival, but it is also important that he gets his food in the right place. For dogs to enjoy their food and get all the nutrition they need, they must be free from stress and fear when eating.
There is nothing better than having your dog eat in his crate (since dogs often regard crates as their dens) to make him feel relaxed.
Crate Feeding Relieves His Anxiety and Gives Him Reassurance
Your dog should be fed in his crate if he is naturally nervous around other dogs. This will ensure that he feels safe while eating, and that he won’t be distracted by other dogs.
You should make sure that your dog’s crate is placed in a quiet area if he is anxious or stressed when he hears loud noises.
The goal is to choose a quiet spot to place the crate where he can enjoy his food without being distracted.
Generally, cages come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and are made from metal, plastic, or wood. According to your dog’s size, you will have to choose the right crate.
It must be one that allows him to turn around and stand up without hitting his head on the crate. That way, your dog can have the freedom to move around while eating.
Therefore, you should purchase a crate in which your dog can stand, sit, turn around, and stretch out.
The height of the crate should also be taken into account. A crate with higher sides will allow for better air circulation for your dog. Crates with higher sides are often made with mesh wire or plastic, which allows for airflow through the sides of the crate.
Make sure that the door on the crate is large enough for your dog to easily enter and exit.
It is also important to keep the crate clean. Make sure there are no urine stains or odors, and that the bedding is dry. The dog’s bedding should be changed every two to three days.
Place the crate in a room where the temperature is kept at a comfortable level. You can also place some of his favorite toys in the crate.
By creating positive associations with being fed in the crate, he will be more likely to accept the idea of crate training.

To Assist You With His Crate Training
Crate training your dog requires a few considerations. To begin with, you need to know that house training your dog can be difficult. You will only stress your dog if you attempt to force him to stay in his crate.
You will need to develop your dog’s love for his crate by associating him with positive experience of being in it. If your dog dislikes being in a crate, he may chew the crate to get out.
Your dog will be most receptive to training when he feels calm and relaxed. Having your dog fed in the crate is the best way to crate train him, because he will be in a calm and relaxed state of mind.
Fix a schedule for your dog to eat in the crate on a regular basis, and this will help him to form a positive association with the crate.
To make the most out of crate training your dog, you should consider the following:
- The crates should be large enough for your dog to stand up and lie down comfortably.
- Inspect the crate for sharp edges or hard surfaces.
- Place the crate in a place where your dog feels safe and comfortable.
- Your dog should be fed in his crate.
- You should designate someone to feed your dog in the crate (preferably YOU).
- Keep the crate door closed (but not locked) when he is in it.
- Never use the crate as a tool of punishment, correction, or intimidation.
- Make your dog’s crate a cozy place with his favorite toys and a warm blanket.
- Never leave your dog in the crate unattended during training.
- Prior to crate training, make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise. This will help to release any pent-up energy in his body.
- Crates should always be kept clean.
- Make sure your dog’s crate is well insulated and dark. This way, your dog will feel safe and secure in the crate, and will be less likely to bark and whimper.
- Make sure that the crate is not in an overly hot or cold environment.
Should You Always Feed Your Dog in the Crate
A dog’s life revolves around food, which is why food fights are so common. A dog’s food is not just a source of nutrition, but it is also a source of authority.
When you have two or more dogs in the same household, there is always going to be one dominant dog and one submissive dog and the dominant one will always believe that he should eat first.
If you give food to a submissive dog first, the dominant dog will start to act aggressively.
This is why it’s so important that you control your dog’s access to food and make sure that you feed them at the right time in their crate.
While it’s true that most dogs can get along with other dogs and even become best friends, it’s also true that some dogs do have a tendency to get into conflicts over food.
When dogs fight over food, it’s not always about the quantity of food or even the type of food. It’s about power.
When a dominant dog is fed before a submissive dog, he is able to demonstrate his dominance.
What you can do is to feed your dogs in their crate and that will prevent them from getting into fights with one another. You should have an individual crate for each of your dogs.

How Much Food Should I Feed My Dog in His Crate
Dogs have different energy requirements, depending on their age, breed, size, and activity levels. Overfeeding your dog can cause him to become overweight.
Senior dogs (that are more than 10 years old) need to be fed less than adult dogs because their metabolism is slower. As a result, they need smaller portions of food.
The ideal diet for dogs should contain 50% protein, 20% carbohydrates, and 30% fat.
For toy breeds, you can expect them to need around ¼ cup to 1 cup of food, for small breeds about 1 cup to 1 ⅖ cup, for medium breeds about 2 cups to 2 ⅔ cups, and for large breeds about 2 ⅘ cups to 3 cups.
A dog should be fed twice a day in order to stay healthy. If a dog is only fed once a day, there is a possibility that he may be hungry and sometimes prone to nausea (vomiting after an empty stomach).
What Is the Best Food to Feed a Dog in His Crate
As each dog is different in size, age, health status, breed, etc., there is no BEST food for your dog.
Certain foods can cause dogs to become allergic, and some foods have high caloric content. Thus, when choosing your dog’s diet, make sure to include foods that are nutritious for him.
Provide your dog with a high-quality diet. Dogs need vitamins, minerals, and proteins in their diets to stay healthy.
A diet that is high in protein will provide your dog with all the energy he needs. A well-balanced diet should include proteins such as meat, eggs, fish, dairy, and grains.
A high-carb diet can lead to diarrhea and vomiting in dogs, so stay away from pasta and bread. Constipation may result from foods that contain too little fiber, such as dry food.
Should I Leave Food and Water in the Dog Crate
It is not advised to leave food and water in the crate of your dog for the following reasons:
- Dogs can become bored in crates and act out in destructive ways as a result. Long-term confinement in a crate may cause your dog to knock over the food and water bowls, making a mess.
- You can expect your dog to need more potty breaks if he has free access to food and water throughout the day.
How Often Should I Clean My Dog Crate
Crates should be cleaned every two weeks, ideally. Nevertheless, if you find feces or urine in the crate, clean it right away so that your dog will not get sick.
Cleaning a crate is important for a dog’s health, especially if you are feeding him in the crate.
The crate could be contaminated by urine or feces if your dog has an accident inside it.
In addition to the contamination of the crate, the scent of urine will attract your dog to keep going potty in the same spot.
For these reasons, it is important to clean up the crate as soon as possible after an accident has occurred.
When it comes to cleaning your dog’s crate, you should take the following steps:
- Wash down the sides of the crate, and the bottom. Use warm water and a mild detergent.
- Scrub the entire crate, using a brush or sponge.
- Rinse the crate thoroughly.
- Let the crate dry completely.
- After you have cleaned the crate, place a new liner or pad inside.